Editing & Creative Writing Consultancy
Need help finishing your novel, memoir or non-fiction book? Struggling to increase your word count? I can guide you through every step of the writing process, from initial idea through to completed first or final draft.
Ready to publish? I provide expert advice on preparing to submit your work to an agent, along with the crucial covering letter, synopsis, chapter outlines, first three chapters and blurb.

Editing Services:
Manuscript assessment
Structural advice
Idea development
Proofreading & editing
One-to-one editorial consultations
"I have been working with Genevieve for a year. She has taught me loads about how to write a novel, about characterisation, dialogue and how to show and not tell.
Genevieve has inspired me with plot ideas and has spurred me on to keep writing - I now have her comments on my whole manuscript which is invaluable. I also love her brutal honesty! I would never have got as far as I have without her by my side."
- Katie Bennett, December 2017
Mentoring Service
I can get you from idea to final draft with blood, sweat – and no tears. How? By helping you set yourself realistic word-count targets and deadlines; by giving you regular and constructive feedback by email, telephone or Skype on how your work is progressing; by making you see how vital it is to concentrate on getting your first draft finished rather than spending hours and days perfecting the opening paragraph or the opening chapter. Think of yourself as a sculptor. First, you have to make the clay to create the sculpture which you then re-shape, chisel and re-shape again. The polishing comes much later.
Along with way, I will inspire you with writing prompts and exercises, should you hit writer’s block, and suggest some reading that will enrich your own work.
I will help you believe in yourself and your project using tried and tested tips to quieten those voices in your head that say “you can’t do it” and “it’s too hard”. You can. I will show you how.